Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dealing with Butternut Squash / Best Peeler

Butternut's hard to cut, peel and hold onto isn't it? Now I see why some people give up and buy pre-peeled and chunked butternut squash. But, Rejoice! for I have the answer my friends. What? You are surprised?..I didn't think so!
Slice off boths end of the squash with a sharp knife and lay the squash on it's side. Take your Star Peeler (see below) and peel off nice whole slices of the skin from one end to the other. After a few slices, the darn squash will start to ooze that nasty clear stuff. At this point, put a paper towel under the squash and hold that sucker steady with another one as seen in the photo above.
Once it is all peeled you can slice it open, take out the seeds with a heavy spoon and chunk it up to roast in the oven or on the grill.
My friend turned me on to this simple little gadget and it is all of $8.00! The peeler is very simple but it works very well. It is made in Switzerland and is all steel. I bought mine at the annual Townwide Garage Sale in Warrensburg, NY. 
After you have shown your squash who's boss, add some olive oil, salt, pepper, and onions to the chunks and toss to coat. You can roast them in the oven or wrap them in foil and roast them on your grill just like potatoes.

Before roasting...

All roasty , toasty!
If there are any leftovers, do what my sister did. Laurie added some Oscar's sausage and topped it with eggs for breakfast the next morning!

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